Somethings never change.
No matter how much you pep talk with yourself. Go through the entire hoop-la of bidding adieu to the past with the year thats gone by and welcoming the new year with excitment and a fresh mind set. There is onething that never goes...
no there are also tuesday blues, wednesday blues, thursday blue, friday blues and the blues in general :P
@ Anamika
True :)
But nothing can beat the experience of Monday blues.
After a relaxing weekend. When you get up on a monday morning, the first thought to cross your mind is damn ^$%^$ its a monday. You get out of your bed, drag yourself to get ready, the only thought in your mind is @#$^ why did god make mondays. And the grand finale... the moment to step into office and see your boss &^%&^$%^#$$%#$@$#@#$@$@%&*^(&)(&*%$$%##$@#@#$@$%@$%*&*(&)(&(&^%&^$%^#$$%#$@$#@#$@$@%&*^(&)(&*%$$%##$@#@#$@$%@$%*&*(&)(&(&^%&^$%^#$$%#$@$#@#$@$@%&*^(&)(&*%$$%##$@#@#$@$%@$%*&*(&)(&(&^%&^$%^#$$%#$@$#@#$@$@%&*^(&)(&*%$$%##$@#@#$@$%@$%*&*(&)(&(&^%&^$%^#$$%#$@$#@#$@$@%&*^(&)(&*%$$%##$@#@#$@$%@$%*&*(&)(&(&^%&^$%^#$$%#$@$#@#$@$@%&*^(&)(&*%$$%##$@#@#$@$%@$%*&*(&)(&(&^%&^$%^#$$%#$@$#@#$@$@%&*^(&)(&*%$$%##$@#@#$@$%@$%*&*(&)(&(&^%&^$%^#$$%#$@$#@#$@$@%&*^(&)(&*%$$%##$@#@#$@$%@$%*&*(&)(&(&^%&^$%^#$$%#$@$#@#$@$@%&*^(&)(&*%$$%##$@#@#$@$%@$%*&*(&)(&(&^%&^$%^#$$%#$@$#@#$@$@%&*^(&)(&*%$$%##$@#@#$@$%@$%*&*(&)(&(&^%&^$%^#$$%#$@$#@#$@$@%&*^(&)(&*%$$%##$@#@#$@$%@$%*&*(&)(&(
Hope u get my point :)
hehe now that was descriptive ! got your point LOUD and ClEAR :P
@ Anamika
but this was just meant to be a subtle hint [:p]