Monday, July 27, 2009

Incomplete silence

Incomplete silence
and melody

Incomplete loss
and totality

Incomplete lies
and me


It amuses me that even this piece of writing comes out of me when there is just one minute to midnight. 11:59 PM 7/26/2009, reads the time stamp on notepad. A minute more would have made it complete, total and full, but as the case is, that wasn't just meant to be.

Falling short of something is a strange feeling. You are not sure whether you should be happy about the fact that you made it so far, or crash down thinking that it was so close. Incomplete is a perceptive word. Half full, is also at the same time half empty.

There is a silence that sometimes engulfs me between thoughts and its incompleteness leave me wondering. Its a neither a silence of wordlessness nor that of thoughtlessness. Its something in between, just hanging there. And I am not sure what lies beyond.

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